泥スッキリ本舗 黒土専用洗剤 泥スッキリ303 (1.3kg) 130回分
泥スッキリ本舗 黒土専用洗剤 泥スッキリ303 (1.3kg) 130回分
国際親善試合 VS Hyper Grey

2017年7月23日 東大阪・花園球場にてハワイより来日したHyper Grey Teamと


We played a international friendly baseball game with Hyper-grey team from Hawaii at Hanazono ballpark on 23 of July 2017.




Players gather in front of the each team's dugout and try to raise their motivation.

Today 's Samurai team was formed in the Higashi-Osaka Hanazono and the Matsubara, playing against the Hyper-grey in the first game.




”Gathering!", the umpire shouted out, and players of both team stund form in line near by home plate to gave a greeting before the game , and vowed the fair play sprit each other.


この時です。ハワイから来たHyper Grey Teamは、突然雄叫びと共にラグビー・ニュージランド代表のオールブラックスが試合前に踊る事で有名になった「HAKA」を披露してくれました。



Just after then, players of Hyper Gray Team suddenly shouted out and began to dance "HAKA" which became famous by the New Zealand national team All Blacks  for dancing before the game.
They showed us the dance which the Maori who has same polynesian roots doing to inspire ourselves before battle, with full of force.
The spectators of the ballpark were also very impressed & great cheers for this!



スコアは14 : 2 と少し得点差の付いたゲームでしたが子供達のプレイにはスコアで見るほどの差はなく、とっても楽しめた試合でありました。

Well, both players tried their best on the game.
The score of the game was a slight score difference of 14: 2, but the play of them did not have much difference as seen in the score and it was a game that they enjoyed very much.







After the game ends, everyone became friends!. To praise each other's good fight, and shaking hands firmly.
Then players made communication each other.
For boys, it is nothing more than being able to experience the truth that baseball gathers the hearts of everyone together and can get along with each other even in people with different languages and cultures.
We would like to thank all of the staff who prepared variously for this international friendly game.
Thank you for a pleasant time.
